Notes to the individual and consolidated Interim financial information
For the period ended June 30, 2022
(Convenience Translation into English from the original previously Issued in Portuguese
Statement of profit or loss ...................................................................................................................
Statements of changes in Equity..........................................................................................................
Notes to interim financial information................................................................................................
Independent auditor's report on the financial statements...............................................................
We continued with a positive evolution in sales price of 20% YoY and 9% QoQ, resulting in anNet SoS of 22.8 (-11.5pp YoY and -3.3pp QoQ) at Tenda.
São Paulo, August 4th , 2022 - Construtora Tenda S.A. ("Company", "Tenda"), a leading Brazilian homebuilder and real estate developer focused on affordable housing, announces today its results for the first quarter of 2022.
In 2Q22, we launched 10 projects totaling a PSV of R$769.1 million under the Tenda brand. This was the second quarter of our recovery, in which we imposed great rigor on the Company's operations, aiming, above all, at rebuilding our margins and deleveraging our balance sheet.
Launches in the quarter had an average price per unit of R$201.1 thousand, reflecting an increase of 33.2% compared to launch prices in the same period in 2021, and a sequential evolution compared to 1Q22 of 14.1%. This is a result of a higher concentration of launches in SP, combined with an increase spread across all the regions in which we operate.
Average Price Launches (R$ thousand)
Our sales prices are the lever with the highest speed of response to results in Tenda's business model, we ended the second quarter with an average price of R$176.6 thousand, 20% higher than in the same period in 2021. Net sales totaled R$558.4 million (-34.9% YoY; -3.5% QoQ) with a net SSV of 22.8% (11.5pp YoY; -3.3pp QoQ).
Price Evolution x Net Sales (PSV, R$ million) and Net SoS (%)
This is an excerpt of the original content. To continue reading it, access the original document here.
Construtora Tenda SA published this content on 01 September 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 02 September 2022 00:34:26 UTC.